Friday 24 October 2008

Own Advert

Final Design:

This perfume gives the sense that you can with in touch with nature, and you can be yourself, in your natural state, you dont have to change and be someone different.
The use of ivy and flowers, show the audience that they don't have to be constricted by their lives, and it shows other people that when given abit of distance they can grow.

The model being shown twice, one upside down, shows that the focus will be on you and even though you need to be given distance you can still be fun and have a laugh, the model being upside down appears to represent this. The expression on the models face, suggests that if you buy this perfume you will be happy and carefree (how you feel when you get away), her expression seems to draw the audience in, and makes them long for her stress free life. This perfume also gives the sense of female independence as she is a woman on her own (there is no man involved in the advert), and there are two of her, it gives the impression that if you wear this perfume you will become a strong, powerful, yet feminine, woman.
The target audience for this advert is young urban professionals, as it is a natural and creates a different feel to what the target audience is used to. The advert also suggests that you will become more in touch with nature, because of the flowers and ivy, also the writing "natural beauty," makes you think your natural beauty from inside, will shine through. Because of the target audience the advert would probably be placed in a magazine such as Glamour, as Glamours target audience appear to be young professionals.

I decided to call the perfume Acelynn as it means Beautiful One, and i decided to have the "natural beauty" underneath to suggest that natural beauty is the most important kind, this is different name to my original design, which was going to be called "Telah, Precious" (Telah means precious) i decided to change the name for this advert, as i feel my original name didn't make sense with the overall theme of my advert.
I completely changed my advert from the sketch as my original design was difficult to achieve on photoshop, and didn't really give have the effect that i wanted.

I used this bottle, as it was in keeping with the colour scheme (purple and green) and the flowers/leaves are in keeping with the nature feel of the advert. The rounded shape of the lid and the bottle, give a feminine, gentle feel.

I used this background for the advert, because i wanted to use the colour green, because it is associated with nature. The leaves incorporate a natural feel, however these aren't visible in the advert as i have blurred the green into the model, i did this because it gives the impression that you can become attached to nature and really feel nature through this product.

The use of purple flowers were because of the colour scheme and because flowers are a large part of nature. Also purple is a feminine colour which suggests that this is a feminine perfume, it is also a bold colour, which also suggests that you can be feminine and strong, obvious, and noticeable.

I decided to have ivy in the corners of my advert to show that if you wear this perfume you have a slightly wild side, that is tamable. Also the green again is part of the colour scheme, it is also considered as a masculine colour, which contradicts the femininity of the advert, however it shows that you can be feminine wearing this perfume, but you can also have male positions in the work place and can make "male" decisions.

When making the advert i decided to blur the background into the model, to show that you really get a feel for nature when you wear this perfume. I chose to turn the model upside down in the opposite diagonal corner from the right way up model, in order to show that when you wear this perfume you can be fun and feminine, as well as independent. Having the model shown twice on the advert, gives the impression that you can take care of yourself when you wear this perfume, as there is no male model in this advert. The use of ivy and flowers give the sense of naturalism, this makes the wearer feel as though they can have a slightly wild side, but also a feminine side.

This advert gives the feel of being about balance, as its target audience is young urban professionals and the perfume gives them a sense of nature/countryside, the ivy and flowers give a sense of wildness, but the bottle's shape and roundness give the sense of femininity, the green gives the impression of masculinity, however the purple gives again the sense of femininity. I think having the model twice on the advert shows that there is a balance with this perfume, you can be yourself, or a better, stronger, more feminine you, also the model are opposite each other diagonally which balances the advert out.

Saturday 18 October 2008

Case Study Notes: Along Came A Spider

Along Came A Spider:

*Shallow Focus on Alex Crosse and Gary Sonji, switch between them, worm’s eye view on G, Low Angle on AC, this shows AC’s dominance over G.
* Switch between every “good” character individually, Cu’s, rule of thirds. Zooms out to show everyone.
* Switch between Agent Flannigan (high angle) and AC (low angle). The LA on AC shows his control of the situation, and the HA on AF it shows she needs him, looking for reassurance.
* AC points his gun straight at the camera, audience involvement.
* Over the shoulder shot, focus on the person talking, audience involvement.
* Reference to Lindbergh Kidnap.
* Extra Long Shot on Unknown man, you’re not sure whether he is good or bad. Audience have to make their mind up.
* Establishing Shot of where XLS man was found, after being killed, shows you the loneliness and isolation of the area where he was found, and this links to how the girl feels.
* Large house, private exits, private corridors, large cell like gates, again links with the theme of being imprisoned and secrecy.
* Heavy rain, chiracusuro lighting, phone box, train carriage- claustrophobic, police cars: typical thriller conventions.
* Slow motion adds effect, and tension to the film, showing that they need to hurry up in order to save the girl.
* Continuous use of CU’s, LA’s and HA’s, involves audience and shows the importance of the characters.
* Lots of over the shoulder shots, and shallow focus, brings attention onto the character.
* Always HA on Agent F, and LA on AC, again shows who has control in the situation, and who is that one step ahead.
* Sonji and FBI called “bait”- spider eats flies, web is the trap, FBI and Sonji are trapped, not in control like they think they are.
* Secluded farm house, girl is the fly trapped in the spiders web, isolated, cant escape.
* AC and Agent F have face to face showdown, CU’s, reference to westerns?
* AC’s gun out of focus, making it unimportant even though it is a showdown, making the focus still on him, he is the important one.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Film Questionnaire Results

I noticed with the results from the question "Do you think they were English, American or Other?" That the majority of people thought that most films were American, in the graph below you can see this is because of the actors were American or because of the location of the film and the special effects. A few people thought it was because of the company, e.g Pixar, Paramount. Some people weren't sure, because of the use of two locations, e.g England and America, England and Germany.

The majority of people saw the films at the cinema, and said this was because it was of easy access and because many films were new and weren't out on DVD. Many people saw the films on DVD, i think this is because, for some people, it is more convenient to watch the films at home, also it is cheaper, as you can watch the film more than once but only have the initial charge when you buy the DVD, however if you don't preview the film at the cinema, and you buy the DVD sometimes you may not like the film. It didn't surprise me that very few people, if any, watched films on Television, another location (such as a plane), or on Video, this is most likely to be because it isn't very convenient to have to wait for a film you want to watch to come on the TV and it is easier to use DVDs rather than Videos as you can scene select etc.

I was surprised that not many people had heard about films from their friends/family, and the majority was had heard about them from Television adverts/trailers. I think this is probably because a lot of people watch the TV and this is the best and easiest way to distribute the advertising. However I did expect more people to have seen film trailers at the cinema rather than on their TV, again this is probably due to convenience, and you have to pay to go to the cinema.

Although it was difficult to show this on a graph, i thought that the reasons why people thought certain films were made by certain countries was interesting. The majority of people based it on the actors involved and the locations used, however a few people did mention they thought it was because of the company, for example: Pixar, Paramount.

Friday 10 October 2008

Advert Analysis

Femme Boss Hugo Boss.

In 'Femme Boss Hugo Boss' the perfume gives the main feel of female independence, as the model is smartly dressed and is more open than 'Ghost Sweetheart.' It gives the wearer the feeling of power and control, as she looks defiant and as if she's about to speak (as her lips are parted slightly).
Also the writing is large, especially the word 'Boss' which again gives the sense of power and strength, however the word 'Femme' is bigger emphesising the fact that, yes she is boss and yes she is female and feminine.
The open space around her gives the wearer the feel that they are strong and independent but are approachable and still sexy and desirable. The brightness of the space this makes the wearer feel as though they are fresh and feminine. The colour scheme of the whole advert is very similar, its all very pale, which can be seen as a sign of weakness, therefore contradicts the main theme of the advert (power, strength). The model's blonde hair and white jacket all blend with the background, giving the sense of blending in with the background and not being very noticeable, again contradicting the main theme, however the dark purple of her top draws attention to her chest which demeans her, and gives the impression that she is only the boss, because of her assets.
With the feeling of becoming more sexy this is shown through what she is wearing (very low and loose) showing she feels sexy and confident enough to wear that, and by wearing the perfume your could become like this. There is the feeling of confidence and femininity as the bottle is girly pink which makes the wearer think they'll have a good balance of femininity and masculinity which will attract the opposite sex.
The femininity in the advert is shown to the audience but the softness and the soft curves and colours within the advert, in her hair (wavy,blonde),clothes (silk) and the roundness of the bottle, this helps the wearer feel feminine, sexy, seductive.
Her expression is inviting and seductive drawing the viewer in which seems to be mainly aimed at women, whereas in the 'Ghost Sweetheart' could be aimed at men and/or women. 'Femme' makes the audience think much more about female independence and makes the wearer think they will be successful and content by wearing this perfume.
The word 'Femme' being larger shows the female dominance over men (as 'Boss' is smaller) and bosses are normally seen as men. Men aren't involved int his advert, it is completely about women and the makes the wearer feel, when she wears this, that the attention and focus will be on her completely.

Ghost Sweetheart.

The advert for 'Ghost Sweetheart' perfume suggests to the audience that the perfume will make you seem more angelic and perfect towards the opposite sex and appear more feminine.
The use of feather boas as the background gives the feel of femininity as these were used in the 1920s (a very feminine time) and of gentleness and softness and in need of care,this plays to the mens need of feeling masculine and the womens feel of needing to be loved and protected. The way the model is intimately, almost seductively, gazing out of the poster entices men to feel like they need to protect their girlfriend/wife (as she has wrapped herself in her arms-protecting herself) and entices women to think they will become seductive and have intimate relationships. This advert suggests that it is aimed at young professionals, as it is a well known brand, and is a fairly well known branded name, it also suggests that it is aimed at either young singletons or young people in relationships as the women in the advert is young, and she has a protective stance and a seductive stare, which again plays on the men's feeling of masculinity and the women's feeling of becoming sexy and seductive towards the opposite sex.
The feather boas could also be linked to angels, as she looks very angelic (blonde hair, blue eyes), this gives the sense that you will become more desirable, heavenly, divine by wearing this perfume, using a model with blonde hair and blue eyes plays to everybody's (men and women) perception of perfection. The actual bottle of perfume blends in with the background, giving the sense that the change is so subtle (by wearing the perfume) that you may not notice it's there, but everyone else will, like how the audience can see the bottle on the advert, but the model is paying no attention.
The writing 'Ghost Sweetheart' seems to contradict (like in 'Femme') the main sense of the advert (needing to be protected, softness, gentleness) it gives the sense, although she wants to protected, she doesn't want to be over-powered, seen as weak, as the writing is very strong, bold and big. However the 'Sweetheart' part can be seen as delicate, almost a whisper as it is so small compared with 'Ghost' like you can't be forceful, but you can be firm, as the sweetheart is in obvious, strong letters like 'Ghost.'
The whole feeling of protection makes the perfume appeal to men and women, men being the protector and women the protected, although the perfume is a female perfume, men are involved as they can buy it for their girlfriend/wife and feel as though they are protecting her, and the women can feel protected, but also seductive and feminine.
However this advert could also give the sense of female independence (like 'Femme') as there is no man in the actual advert, and she has her arm wrapped around herself, showing she can protect herself and doesn't need anyone else, her look could almost be defiant, as though challenging anyone who says a woman can't look after herself, this gives the wearer a feeling of strength and independence.

Guidance Day Media

Guidance Day
Ms Heald

Single Shot Filming:

What is it?

A large sequence of film shot in one take.

What techniques are involved?
*Variety of shot distances and angles
*Shallow focus
*Following an actor/subject
*Deep focus
*Moving from CU to ES etc
*Sound (fade in or out?), Soundtrack to provide cohesion

(example of SSF) Goodfella's-Club Scene:
*Fluid movement
*Sets a pace
*Audience involved

Our own single shot film task:
*Amy: Camera
*Freya: Director
*Lauren: Girl running
*Emily: Girl shouting to Lauren

*Running ----> Alleyway.
*Being chased? Unknown person?

Challenges that came with SSF:
*Keeping camera steady
*Planning, timings, props
*Choreographing can be difficult, dealing with hazards.
*Finding inspiration
*Avoiding the public (not getting them in your shot)
*Reflections, in windows etc.

Advantages that came with SSF:
*Shows your technical skills
*can tell story in one shot
*creates a sense of 'realtime,' adds immediacy and impact

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Shots, Angles and Sizes



In this lesson we were experimenting, by taking photos, the use of different shot angles and distances.
The XCU were the hardest as the pictures came out blurry, because they were too close, and the XLS you can't really see any detail of the persons face, such as their expression.