Thursday, 22 January 2009

Planning Thriller Film, "Snatched"

Camera Angles and Movement:
Shot 1: Long shot of two girls, Grace and Mary. Audience isn’t sure what the action taking place is, have an idea that it may be something sinister.

Shot 2: Cut to an Extra Close Up shot of Grace's hand, audience now knows what was happening in previous shot.

Shot 3:
Close up of Grace taking the pills, camera tracks up from her hand to her mouth as she is taking the pills.

Shot 4: Close up of Grace and Mary facing each other can see their expressions, Grace is looking faint, and Mary looks worried.

Shot 5: Medium Close up of Grace starting to collapse, follows on from the previous shot, camera tracks Grace falling.

Shot 6:
Cross dissolves to Medium Long Shot of Grace unconscious and Mary kneeling next to her. Camera has tracked Grace fainting from shot 4.

Shot 7: Extra close up of Mary shouting for help can clearly see her expression, which is shocked.

Shot 8:
Long shot of Tom, audience can't see any detail because of this he looks sinister.

Shot 9: Long shot of Mary and Tom carrying Grace, Tom and Mary's relationship is still unknown to the audience.

Shot 10:
Long Tilt shot of Grace in the boot of Tom's car, tilt shot mirrors audience confusion about what's going on. The Long shot establishes Grace's surroundings.

Shot 11: Point of view shot from Grace's point of view. Audience realises that she was drugged, and now that she is trapped in the claustrophobic car boot and that she has no means of escape.

Shot 12:
Medium Close up of Mary and Tom talking, shot of car boot in the background; linking Mary and Tom to Grace inside. Audience realises that Mary and Tom are in this together.

Shot 13:
Extra close up of the car boot. Camera follows Tom's eyes down to the car boot, links him to the situation.

Shot 14:
Medium Long shot of Mary and Tom's conversation as it's ending, walking across each other, as if parting of the ways.

Shot 15: Medium Long shot of Tom getting into his car, can't see the back of the car, so audience don't know that Mary is sitting in the back, they assume she has left.

Shot 16:
Point of view shot, in Tom's point of view, can see Mary in the rear view mirror, Tom looks shocked-similar feeling to the audience.

Shot 17:
Extra Long shot of the car in the distance, audience don't know where the car is headed. Audience left wondering what happens to Grace.

The lighting in all of the shots is non-ambient. The street lights provided enough light for the action to be seen clearly, so there was no need to use extra lighting-from torches etc. We decided that the street lights gave our film the right atmosphere, as it gave an unglamorous and sinister feel because the street lights didn't give a bright white glow which would have been too harsh-another reason we didn't use extra lighting. The only shot that we didn't use the street lights was in shot 11, when Grace is trapped in the car boot. We used the light in the car boot to show the audience where Grace was trapped, but also to show the audience the car boot from Grace's perspective.

Man- Andy Drane
First Girl
- Lauren Jordan
Second Girl
- Emily Mullender

Names of Characters:
- Thomas (Tom)
First Girl- Mary
Second Girl
- Grace

We decided on these names because they are biblical names (Mary and Thomas) or they are link with religion in some way (Grace), and it is ironic that the characters are involved in crime yet are linked to religion in which you are supposed to
be good.

Characters with a back story:

*Mary and Grace are friends; They are both involved in drugs; Grace is more heavily involved in drugs that Mary, this is due partly to Mary's encouragement.

*Mary and Tom are partners in crime, although this isn't obvious to begin with (because Mary screams for help); Grace has no idea about Tom, therefore doesn't know about Mary
and Tom. *Mary and Tom are old friends; Mary and Grace are more recent friends, only because of drugs. *Mary and Tom work for a drug lord; Grace owes him money.
Man, Thomas:
*Long dark coat

*Dark shoes

First Girl, Mary:


*Grey Hoody

*Green striped t-shirt

*White pumps
nd Girl, Grace:

*Light Grey Hoody

*White shoes

Brief synopsis of the plot:
Mary and Grace are in a unglamorous car park at night. Grace thinks they are there just to take their next fix, however Mary is waiting for Tom, in order to get Grace for the drug lord she owes money. Mary encourages Grace t
o take her drugs first; Grace collapses, and at first Mary screams for help, however this is just a show. Tom shows up (the audience think it is in order to help) and both Tom and Mary carry Grace to the car, however instead of putting Grace into the back of the car, they place her in the boot, then an exchange of conversation goes on between them, this is when you fully realise that they are together in this. They then drive off with Grace still in the boot.


Hollywood car park:

*people take drugs round that area; fits with plot.
*Generic due to unglamorous location.
*Lonely, thre
atening, empty.


*Nu Piano Project, Grime Unearthed.

We also looked on and other music sites that consisted of copy right free/unsigned bands.

We decided to use Nu Piano Project as the music for our thriller because it fitted well with the feel of the film, also the artist was unsigned and this piece of music was copy rig
ht free; the music is used throughout the majority of the film, however during a section where Grace is in the trunk there is diegetic sound of her breathing to give the sense of entrapment and confusion.

Title of the Film:
* Taken
* Abducted

* Snatched

* Kidnapped

In the end we decided on Snatched, because of it didn't sound as random and insignificant, or
as though a small child was involved; as words such as abducted, kidnapped or taken normally are.


1 comment:

vmb said...

Well done for posting this aspect of your planning. You need to evaluate costumes and names of characters, in other words what do the costumes say about the characters. What are the connotations of the names of the characters.