Thursday, 15 January 2009

Thriller Planning: Costume, "Snatched"

Baggy/Boyfriendfit Jeans
For both of the girls, we decided to have them wearing baggy/boyfriendfit jeans, because they don't look overdone and can be made to look scruffy and dirty, which would fit in with the location in which the film is being shot and with the theme and the action that happens in the film.

Plain T-shirt

The other girl will be wearing a plain black t-shirt, for two reasons.
1.) Convenience; it will be easier to film the close ups of the track marks with her arms exposed.
2.) The black signifies her fall into a desperate situation which is about to get worse. It shows that she is despairing and that her life has taken a turn for the worst all because of one mistake.

White Plimsolls
We decided on white plimsolls for Grace because plimsolls are something you wear in infant/junior school and this suggest that Grace is childlike, and also easily manipulated. Also the colour white, suggests that even though what she is doing is wrong, she still has a certain amount of innocence in her, and that it isn't completely her fault she's in this situation.

Grey Hoody
Both of the girls are wearing grey hoodies, because this gives the impression of a tie between them, some sort of bond. The grey colour suggests the normality of the situation, the fact that drug taking is a normal part of our society and because people accept that it's almost dull-similar to the colour grey.

Black Coat (male):

We decided on having the male character wearing dark clothes, as this gives him a more sinister and menacing appearance; they also make it harder to see him when a long distance away or near his car, t his again gives him a sinister and mysterious feel about him.

Black Trousers (male):

The character Tom will be wearing tailored black trousers, to give the impression that he is a genuine helper and not involved in the situation; well presented, well mannered etc. However the black trousers also fit in with the sinister, mysterious and menacing feel that you get from the character when he is near his car or at a distance, difficult to see.

Black Shoes (male):
Tom will also be wearing smart black shoes to give the impression of a well dressed stranger rather than the audience linking him to Mary, because if he was dressed scruffy, unglamourous and average the audience could link him to Mary and Grace as they were averagely dressed; to keep the idea that Tom is in fact a stranger rather than with Mary we dressed him almost business like; he could be a business man going back to his car after work.

1 comment:

vmb said...

Proficient evaluation of costume. Note that the iconic Hoodie is associated with teenage anti social behaviour and youth crime. On news or documentary footage about youths intimadating residents on estates most seem to wear the hoodie which masks their identity whilst being threatening because of the criminal associations with the garment.